(954) 380-1647

The Mobile Phone Accessible Services System (MOPASS) Jobs & Business Opportunity

CALL (954)380 -1647

Market our services and Make $3000 to NO LIMIT a week (Easy to sell)

If ever you get to the a point in your life where MAKING MORE MONEY seems to be your best option then its TIME GET UP AND TAKE MATTERS IN HAND. This little guy gets it! More seems to matter to him!
  • Work From Home
  • Work at your own ease and choose your own hours
  • Get paid weekly
  • Earn Bonus

  • Have a PC or Loptop with internet access, along with a phone
  • Be able to read well and be able to use a computer. Door to door approach is also welcome

Job Description

Submitting Businesses to the Card Wallet Rather than tradditional paper business card - as we know - MOPASS had created a system that now converts those traditional paper Business Cards into digital and electronic form and is mounting them up to it's Mobile Smartphone Accessible Services System platform where people can now access and save them from their smartphone devices and save them to be able to interact with the business later on. The card saving public can then distribute that Electronic Business Card to its friends and family by way of an electronic referral. Through this system, Business Card Owners can now ensure that people receiving their Business Card will be PERMANENTLY able to re-access it and re-access it in its most enhanced form...

In order for a business to have their business card in the Card Wallet, that Business Card must be first listed there.
The agent's job is to call the Business Card Owners and inform them about the Card Wallet and get them to submit their Business Cards.

The agent must submit the information about the business - including notes and the charge card info - then provide the Card Owner with the information to mail the actual physical business card to, then advance to a different customer.
  • The minimum hours per week that an agent will need to work is - at least 30 hours. This is a full time position
  • Spend MINIMUM 4 to 8 hours a day (Monday to Friday between 9AM and 5PM) interacting with small business customers on the phone. If the customer wants to be called at a differnt time than the regular business hours - as stated - then the agent can call the customer and close the sale.
  • The area where the agent works needs to be noise-free at all times. If a call is monitored and MOPASS detect background noise within that call, the agent's employment will be terminated
  • The agent will be paid every two weeks and is required to meet a minimum of 40 sales submitions in that 2 weeks period (mimimum average of 4 sales submitions per day). The best work strategy is to get reach the forty sale as quick as possible because now comission will be paid on EVERY SALE OVER 40 Explained below
* NOTICE# The best work strategy is to get to reach the forty sale as quick as possible because now comission will be paid on EVERY SALE OVER 40 Explained below

Payment Matrix
  • $12 per hour and $25 MINIMUM for EVERY additional sale submition over 40 within a 2 weeks period
  • There are NO LIMIT to your commision pay. The minimum cost option for a Business Card to be on our system is $300 a year, even if the customer is unable to pay the whole $300 for the year they have to authorise a minimum payment of at least $100 of that $300 for us to process their Business Card to our system. Of that minimum of $100, the agent is paid $25 commission once they have passed their minimum sales required for the 2 weeks.
  • Larger Commission
    If the agent gets the customer to select an option over the mimimum at the time when the agent is qualified for commision pay then that option will MULTIPLY by the $25 commission pay per sale submittion. For instance, if the option that the customer chooses was an option for $600 a year, then the agent should get the customer to authorise a mimimum of at least $200 payment from their charge card so that the agent can receive $50 (25% of down payment) from that sale submition alone.
    When you view the sample proposal below, you will see that our maximum option is $300 a month (which is $3,600 a year). If you close a sale submition like this then your goal is to get the customer to authorise a minimum of $500 to earn you a commission of $125 on just that sale submittion alone.
  • Sample Proposal
  • 40 sales submition minimum is 40 sales where the customer selected the minimum option ($300 a year). Each of such a minimum sale is 1 point. Therefore, for 40 mimimum sales is 40 points. Minimum point is 1 point, this is option 1. If the customer chooses option 2 then that is 2 points. If the customer chooses option 3 then that is 3 points. If the customer chooses option 4 then that is 4 points.
    Your points are added up based on the option the customer chooses. Therefore, you can earn 40 points with less than 40 sales.
    If you have 40 points with less than 40 sales, that means that - at least - some of your customers are choosing above option one. You will be qualified for your commission pay regardless, once the forty points are acquired within the 2 weeks period.
  • There are many customers waiting. The product is easy to sell. Consistency is needed. It is guaranteed that you will succeed once you make the effort and be consistent - as with any thing

You will need to first pay a setup fee of $189.
Then we will get your account setup. When you call, please have the following information ready:

  • Social Security Number
  • Driver's License/ State Identification
  • Baanking routing number and account numner (IF REQUIRING DIRECT DEPOSIT).
  • * Notice! If you have a felony you cannot work under this program
All rights reserved The Mobile Phone Accessible Services System (MOPASS)